Thomas E. Stone Covers The Effects of Colostrum on Leaky Gut Syndrome

September 01, 2020
Thomas E. Stone Covers The Effects of Colostrum on Leaky Gut Syndrome

The gastrointestinal tract is responsible for the digestion of food; the assimilation of vitamins and minerals; the elimination of unusable materials and toxins from within the body; and acts as the first line of defense against bacteria, virus, fungi and parasites. This last function is one that colostrum enhances greatly when taken regularly. 

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

When diet (sugar, refined carbohydrates, food preservatives etc.) and environmental stress, (pollution, pesticides, pharmaceutical chemicals etc.) overload this system, we end up with something called leaky gut syndrome. These stresses on the gastrointestinal system causes inflammation which, for many, is a chronic condition The swollen intestinal lining becomes more permeable than normal and abnormally large spaces or holes develop between the cells.

The idea of having a leaky gut, is not a pretty one, but it is far more widespread than most people realize. Here’s a little more detail of how having a leaky gut affects your body:

  • Leaky gut syndrome causes most food allergies. The enlarged spaces in an inflamed intestinal wall allow the absorption of large undigested molecular proteins from food. These proteins in the bloodstream are considered foreign substances by the immune system which produces antibodies to get rid of them. This results in an allergic reaction or food allergy.
  • A leaky gut causes a weakened ability to resist infectious organisms. Inflammation damages the protective coating surrounding the antibodies present in a healthy intestinal tract. This renders them inactive and unable to ward off organisms in the intestines where most infections enter the body. Organisms are then able to leak into the bloodstream and travel to almost any tissue or organ in the body.
  • Leaky gut syndrome creates a long list of mineral deficiencies. The carrier proteins responsible for transporting various minerals into the bloodstream are damaged by the swelling and inflammation of leaky gut syndrome. The inflammation of the leaky gut can also block the absorption of vitamins and essential amino acids, severely hindering nutrient absorption.
  • Leaky gut syndrome is almost always associated with autoimmune disease. As with food allergies, autoimmune diseases are the result of an on-going allergic reaction. In the case of autoimmune diseases, the antibodies created in response to leaked toxins, attach to tissues in the body. The type of autoimmune disease that results, depends on which tissues of the body are affected.

Colostrum Offers Relief

As explained by Dr. Stone, pure colostrum contains numerous substances which play a critical role in the healing of leaky gut syndrome. In my experience, one of the first things that colostrum does is repair damaged tissue and seal the mucus layer of the intestines, making it impermeable to toxins and parasites. The immune response is enhanced and the first line of defense in the bowel is brought back to normal function. Some of the growth factors contained in colostrum have an anti-inflammatory effect which is a big factor in the initial healing of leaky gut syndrome. As the intestinal lining is healed, food allergies are reduced and often disappear entirely. The toxic load on the body is greatly reduced and nutritional uptake is enhanced. Since colostrum enhances nutrient uptake, more nutrients are available to support other vital tissues and organs. This is why organ functions improve and energy levels rise when individuals use colostrum on a regular basis.

Because the function of the gastrointestinal tract is so important to so many processes in the body, the healing of leaky gut syndrome is monumental. And leaky gut syndrome is so widespread that when it begins to heal, a multitude of seemingly unrelated medicals problems often disappear.

With the use of colostrum, Dr. Stone notes that his patients typically notice improved digestion, greater energy and relief from the symptoms of irritable bowel, colitis and even ulcers. Those who have allergies and autoimmune diseases are amazed at the relief they get. It’s no wonder colostrum is highly recognized for its effects in these areas.


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