Colostrum has so many benefits to our short- and long-term health. So, today’s blog covers the healing properties of colostrum in regards to damaged muscle and cartilage. Specifically, colostrum contains the twin healing properties of IGF-1 and TGF-B, whose muscle and cartilage repair characteristics are bio-chemically unsurpassed. It is for this reason that biotechnologists are pursuing the recombinant forms so hotly.
Thanks to the advances of biotechnology in the last decade, colostrum has been reintroduced to the world as a potent growth supplement and immune modulator. A substance long known for its cytoactive and curative properties, colostrum was reviewed in the early 1980’s as a potential additive for tissue culture media. What was found instead was a high concentration source of growth factors which had characterization for years. The exciting results of those studies led to a flurry of human subject research and recent discovery of the many health benefits available from colostrum as a food supplement.
Colostrum is not necessarily a “new” product, for it is as old as motherhood. It is the first mammary secretion provided for newborns in the first 24 hours until, at most, 72 hours prior to the onset of genuine lactation. The formulation of colostrum is much more complex than simple milk, and its components are not found in such high concentrations anywhere else in nature.
The growth factors present in colostrum are numerous and of a character that provides great hope for bio-technology in the recombinant drug arena. The major factors of intense interest today are “Somatomedin C,” which is now popularly called insulin-like Growth Favtor 1 (IGF-1) and Transforming Growth Factor beta (TGF-B).
Others of lesser interest due to lower concentrations include interlukin-1 (IL-1), Growth Hormone (GH), IGF-2, the FGF’s, as well as some EGF and PDGF-like factors which as yet remain uncharacterized. The main theme of many biotechnology companies today involves strategies for cloning and producing large quantities of IGF-1 and TGF-B for very good reasons
The many regenerative effects of IGF 1, coupled with those of TGF-B, extend to nearly all structural cells of the body. Without exception, each new published study documents the enhancement of DNA and protein synthesis as well as nutrient uptake mediated by these colostral growth factors, particularly in muscle and cartilage.
In the somatomedin hypothesis, GH prepares muscle satellite cells for proliferation and differentiation, particularly in conjunction with fibroblasts during the healing process, and brings about strong autocrine IGF-1 production. Terminal differentiation to myotubules complete the healing event, and is directed almost entirely by IGF-1.
TGF-B has also been indicated in the regeneration processes but with specific application in cartilage. This compound, along with IGF 1, has been found to directly stimulate the development of cartilage in vitro. TGF-B is known to be present in colostrum at a concentration 10-fold that of serum. Though its effects have a known capacity to inhibit proliferation but not differentiation of muscle, it is the second best compound available for the synthesis and repair of cartilage. Incidentally, IGF-1 is the best, and was first identified by its ability to enhance chondroitin synthesis and sulfation of proteoglycans.
Learn more about our colostrum processing here. Colostrum dosing has been derived empirically from the response of many subjects. Individuals with a desire to enhance their immune system will typically take 3 grams every day for 5 days, thereafter tapering to half that dosage. Athletes and individuals with musculoskeletal injuries who wish to capitalize on the anabolic effects of colostrum generally use even greater doses such as 10 grams per day. They also taper to half the original dose overtime. No known contraindications exist with colostrum supplementation and no overdose have been experienced
Colostrum contains the twin healing properties of IGF-1 and TGF-B, whose muscle and cartilage repair characteristics are biochemically unsurpassed. It is for this reason that biotechnologists are pursuing the recombinant forms so hotly. Since these peptide growth factors will not be available over the counter for a very long time, it is more convenient to obtain them from colostrum today.