Bulk Colostrum Powder 1000g


A kilo of top shelf, first milking, whole colostrum is an economical option for those who take HIGH amounts of colostrum powder daily. Very popular among athletes, body-builders, those recovering from surgeries or major illnesses, and those tackling immune suppressive or major auto-immune disorders. This is a non-agglomerated and non-instantized full fat colostrum powder which mixes best in a blender. It may be tough to get into solution, but nothing worth while is ever THAT easy.



INGREDIENTS: Whole First Milking Bovine Colostrum (Non-Agglomerated; Non-Instantized)

SUGGESTED USE: 1 scoop daily on an empty stomach. Blend into 8+oz of water. Mix with your favorite protein powder if desired.

SERVING SIZE: 1 Scoop (15g), 67 Servings

COST PER GRAM: $0.2049



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